Obskure Obskure - Aton's Servant

Here, in this rock, I found an interesting hierogliph.
Something about an egyptian pharao, whose ego was his main to stay in the power.
A few of evoluted humans felt inside his eyes a blaze of an impure and sorrowful feeling.
And here is: "We died by blind adoration into visual beautiness"

"Pretty is your dawn in the sky horizons
Oh living Aton, beginning of the life.
When you stand up in the Orient fill all the lands your beauty."

Oh beauty oppressing, that contains my capacity
of contemplating the world in a better way.

Oh beauty that condemns me to the condition of
eternal slave of my superior

Superior? That orders my submission.
Digging my eternal destiny

His God, his majesty made me keep's guardian of
his beauty

My pain is tempted at all time to be masquerade
by their followers that show me an inexistent God

My children will extend my calvary
Your horizon isn't the pretty of the poet's verses

Your lands only cultivate my servitude.